
10 2020

7 PM Alabama Community Virtual Simchat Torah via zoom.

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

The same group that brings you Havdalah each week has combined once again for a new and exciting program.  Cantor Neil, Turia, Miriam, Yehuda, Rabbi Steve, Hazzan Charles and Rabbi Scott invite you to join us this Saturday night, October 10 at 7pm for the Alabama Community Virtual Simchat Torah via zoom.  You must RSVP to get the link for this special program.  Once you get the link, please do not forward it to anyone.  If you know of someone that would like to attend, have them email one of us.  This is for everyone’s protection.  We also ask that you make your screen name match your name so we can identify you in the waiting room.  No exceptions.  If we do not recognize your screen name, you will not be admitted.  Again, for everyone’s protection.