
7 2019

6 PM JFCA Women For Israel Featuring Guest Speaker Shosh Mitzman

6:00PM - 7:00PM  

Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem 3525 Cloverdale Road
Montgomery, AL

Come enjoy wine and cheese and connect with other women who support Israel and learn how Jewish National Fund strengthens Israel’s modern-day pioneers by developing communities in the north and south. 

Shosh Mitzman, the JNF-MAKOM liaison, and the chief development officer of MAKOM, is a strong advocate for the development and vibrancy of Israel, especially its peripheral regions. She has worked in various capacities as a consultant in the nonprofit, development, management, and academic sectors, including for Ohalo College and the Ohio State University.

More Information and RSVP:

Tzlil Bandy McDonald, Executive Director, JFCA: or 334.277.5820                

Kate Smith, Director, JNF Southeast: or 404.236.8990 x850