The Jewish Federation is dedicated to creating a joyful, vibrant and strong Jewish community in Central AL. Together we have worked to lead, build and strengthen a dynamic community as well as represent its interests and concerns.
The Jewish Federation is dedicated to creating a joyful, vibrant and strong Jewish community in Central AL. Together we have worked to lead, build and strengthen a dynamic community as well as represent its interests and concerns.
Federation provides financial assistance and counseling to Jewish people who are facing difficult times. Throughout our history we have worked together to provide care and comfort to our community, ensuring they can turn to us for help. Together, we improve the quality of life for members of the Jewish community national as well as international.
Federation is committed to securing the future of the Jewish community through advocacy and education. We provide scholarships, subsidies and many meaningful opportunities to Jews of all ages and affiliations to engage and explore their Jewish heritage. Federation continuously works to strengthen the fabric of the Montgomery Jewish community and ensure it remains vibrant for generations to come.
Each generation of Jews has the blessing and the responsibility of doing its part to ensure the future of our people. The Jewish Federation is proud to invest in programs that affect real change to secure both the short and long term future of Jewish communities in Israel and around the world.